1. Middle Schools - Burbank Unified School District
Missing: 趙 雙
Middle Schools - Burbank Unified School District
2. 趙崇正Zhao Chongzheng - Lingnan University
... schools, including Wa Ying College in Foshan, Guangdong No. 1 Highschool and True Light Middle School for Girls. In 1946, he became Director of Academic ...
趙崇正 (1910-1968),字乃寅,生於1910年,原藉廣東番禺。趙氏自幼愛好繪畫,曾拜高奇峰 (1889-1933) 為師學畫。他喜畫人物、走獸,尤其擅長花鳥題材。趙氏早年曾於佛山華英中學、省立第一中學、真光女子中學等任職美術教師。1946年他受聘於高奇峰創辦的南中美術專科學校,出任校務主任兼國畫科導師。1949年後他先後任職於華南人民出版社、南方通俗出版社、廣州美術學院、廣州工藝美術研究所等。他的作品《森林的早晨》及《春寒》曾分別於社會主義國家造型藝術展覽及全國美展中展出。
3. 赵敏- 教育经济与管理系
42. 蔺海沣、赵敏、廖沁.“双一流”背景下高校科研行动的负责任创新研究,《江苏高教》 ... Elementary and Middle Schools of Dongguan City for Example.2011 The ...
4. Hong Kong Tai Tung Middle School Alumni Association, wongyut ...
... 雙手掰開他的手指, 我才可把手抽回來. (我一時忘了帶陳慶祥秘書長的電郵地址, 可否煩請黎會長或趙會長代傳給他). 陳秘書長,. 附圖的照片僅供在電腦看, 星期五清分母女來 ...
5. Middle School Overview - Wildwood School
Missing: 趙 雙
Middle School Overview - Wildwood School
6. 赵茜等丨回应“双减”要求的有效作业特征与实践策略 - 网易
Jul 12, 2022 · 【摘要】在“双减”背景下,减轻义务教育阶段学生过重的作业负担成为备受热议的研究议题。本研究对国内外实证文献进行综述分析,从教师主导的角度提出有效作业 ...
赵茜 等丨回应“双减”要求的有效作业特征与实践策略,教学,自主学习,宋继东,作业量,教师
7. Study on slope stability under thrust structures and various factors and ...
Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation (RCCSE) (A) ... School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China.
Affected by the thrust structure, the strata in the open-pit mining area are complex and the geological conditions of the slopes in different areas are different. In addition, under the thrust action, the strata are highly variable, making it difficult to clearly define the specific distribution characteristics of the bottom strata. When designing the slope angle, it is not conducive to determine the safe slope angle, and it also brings great difficulties to the boundary. In order to ensure the efficient development of resources, fully utilize the stable slope angle of the geological strata, and reduce the amount of open-pit mining and stripping, this paper takes the open-pit mine of the main ore body in Gangbov under the geological conditions of the push thrust structure as the background, considers three factors: mining depth, groundwater level, and the width of the fault hanging platform, designs different combinations of factors, and considers the working conditions separately to study the slope stability under complex geological conditions of the push thrust structure. The results show that in the single factor working condition of mining depth, the slope safety factor decreases with the increase of mining depth, and the rate of decrease gradually slows down. When the mining depth exceeds 210 m, due to the funnel-shaped shape of the open-pit mining pit, as the depth increases, the exposed area of the deep slope per unit height decreases, and the slope body of the lowe...
8. Las Palmas Middle School - Covina Valley Unified School District
Missing: 趙 雙
9. Study on the development laws of overburden rock fissure in double ...
Study on the development laws of overburden rock fissure in double-seam mining of abandoned mine. XIE Yuhang ,; HUA Xinzhu ,. School ... 赵兵朝, 冯杰, 赵阳, 等.
As mineral resources continue to be exploited, an increasing number of mines are being abandoned. However, these abandoned mines still contain significant undeveloped coalbed methane (CBM) resources, presenting immense potential value. The overburden fracture field formed after coal seam extraction becomes the main pathway for CBM migration in abandoned mines. Therefore, studying and understanding the development patterns of the overburden fracture field is of great importance for the precise development and utilization of CBM resources in abandoned mines. This paper takes the double-seam mining in the Panyi Mine Area as an engineering background and employs theoretical analysis, UDEC numerical simulation, and physical similarity simulation methods to systematically study the development patterns of the overburden fracture field after double-seam mining. The research results show that the fracture zone height in the upper coal seam is approximately 58.73 to 81.71 meters. When the lower coal seam advances 170 meters, key stratum 1 generates through-layer fractures, connecting previously isolated interlayer fractures and causing the upper and lower goaf areas to interconnect. At this point, the fracture zones of the upper and lower coal seams are connected, with the lower coal seam fracture zone developing to a height of approximately 41.8 meters and the final fracture zone height reaching about 116.64 to 139.62 meters. The overburden fracture development in the upper goaf...
10. Fairview Park, OH | Official Website
News and Updates · Gemini Center Door · Pool Update. Posted on December 30, 2024 · Sewer Jet Truck and Service Department Personnel · Sewer Rate Changes for 2025 ...
Posted on December 16, 2024
11. Yuanbo Building, Hub of Art Teachers by THAD - 谷德设计网
Jan 6, 2025 · ... center for education, and an incubation hub for emerging and interdisciplinary fields. ... 面向双碳目标的校园建筑改造策略. Renovation ...
Learning Valley , Education for the Future