영웅의 승리 2.0 - What's New and How to Play (2025)

영웅의 승리 2.0 - What's New and How to Play (1)

  • 제목: 영웅의 승리
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Hero Siege에 대한 정보는 아직 불완전합니다.. 이것을 사용하여 게임의 세부 정보를 입력할 수 있도록 도와주세요. 문의 양식.

This guide is all about Hero Siege 2.0. We’ll learn the basic stuff, talk about some big changes, and look at a few examples.

What is Hero Siege 2.0?

Big news in the gaming world – 영웅의 승리 2.0 has just landed on October 2nd, 2023! 하지만, whoa, it might seem like a lot to take in, especially if you’re just starting out. No worries, I’m here to break it down for you!

  • End of Hero siege 1.0 seasons
  • The Beginning of 2.0 season 1
  • Graphical overhaul Including 720p support
  • Save data resets
  • Skill Reworks
  • Inventory Reworks
  • Relic Slotting Reworks
  • Boss changes
  • Ai changes
  • Guild account merging
  • Combat reworks
  • Marketplace changes
  • Map Generation Overhauls

The most significant and crucial aspects of these are:

  • Combat Rework
  • Ai Changes
  • Skill Reworks
    and finally
  • Save Data Resets

Graphical Overhaul

Let’s talk about the exciting changes in the Graphical Overhaul:

먼저, the terrain has received a significant upgrade. It’s now smoother and no longer looks like a jumbled mess. Check out the examples below:

Before in Hero Siege 1.0, the terrain was a bit chaotic.

But in 영웅의 승리 2.0, it’s much smoother and cleaner.

The characters in the game now look more colorful and brighter, so they stand out from everything else. The game’s menus also look better and fit naturally. 을 더한, it’s easier to see which skills belong to which skill tree, making it look more professional.

The background of the game has changed to match the new central hub in the game. It’s darker now because the game world is full of different kinds of dangerous beasts.

Combat +Skills Remake

Let’s break down what confused you in the new version of the game, especially the Combat and Skills rework. The tutorial explains how to get skills, but it doesn’t teach you how to put them on your hotkeys, like Q, 여, 이자형, ㅏ, 에스, 디, 등. 을 더한, the game now primarily uses your mouse for control, which is different from the old version that allowed WASD movement.

그래서, when it comes to combat changes in this update:

  1. You move around using your mouse and the Left Mouse Button (LMB) or Up, 아래에, 왼쪽, Right keys.
  2. Jumping now happens in the direction your mouse is pointing, not based on keyboard input.
  3. All the skills have been tweaked in some way, but we won’t dive into the details right now.

지금, let’s talk about equipping skills:

I’m pretty sure you’ve figured out how to acquire skills through the skill tree [티]. 하지만, the game doesn’t really explain how to use these active skills effectively. But don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it might seem. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Buy the active skill you want from the skill tree.
  2. After you’ve made your purchase, just exit the skill tree menu.
  3. 지금, click on either your Left Mouse Button (left-click) or Right Mouse Button (마우스 오른쪽 버튼을 클릭하세요) on the game’s graphical user interface (GUI).

When you click on this, you’ll see a new menu. In that menu, you’ll find your skills. To pick a skill and put it on a specific key, follow these steps:

  1. Hover your mouse over the skill you want to use.
  2. Press the key you want to assign that skill to. You can choose from LMB, RMB, 큐, 여, 이자형, ㅏ, 에스, or D.
  3. If you want to assign the skill to your left or right mouse button, just click on the indicated slot and then click on the skill.

It’s as simple as that! You’ll have your skills set up and ready to use in no time.

축하해요! You’ve successfully equipped a skill, and now you can start using them right away! Enjoy your new abilities!

Inventory Remake

The inventory has been updated in a way that’s a bit different than before. 지금, instead of each item taking up one slot, items can take up anywhere from 1 에게 6 slots in your character’s bags. Let me show you an example to make it clear:

This new system encourages players to be mindful of what they carry. You can only take what fits, which might mean making multiple trips to town to scrap old gear or items you don’t need anymore.

Charm slots

지금, let’s talk about charm slots. Instead of just having one charm equipped, you can place them into the golden slots on the right side of your inventory’s first page. 이쪽으로, you can equip up to 20 charms simultaneously, depending on their size. It’s a handy way to boost your character’s abilities with multiple charms at once!

Quick FAQ

질문: Where can I find my character saves?

답변: In version 2.0, all character saves have been removed to prevent corruption. This decision was made by the developers to ensure a smoother and more reliable experience.

이것이 오늘 우리가 공유하는 모든 것입니다. 영웅의 승리 가이드. 이 가이드는 원래 작성자가 작성하고 작성했습니다. CosmosiumKitsune. 이 가이드를 업데이트하지 못한 경우, 다음을 수행하여 최신 업데이트를 찾을 수 있습니다. 링크.

이 사이트의 콘텐츠가 귀하의 권리를 침해한다고 생각하는 경우, 귀하의 지적 재산권을 포함하여, 문의 양식을 사용하여 즉시 문의하십시오..
영웅의 승리 2.0 - What's New and How to Play (2025)


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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.